Friday, July 17, 2009


I went to MEPS Wednesday to sign my contract. My job will be AZ E-3. Aviation Maintenance Administrator. Basically, I will be keeping the logs on flight hours, and the books on the maintenance being done on the planes. I will be working closely with the jet mechanics and pilots. I am so excited. I talked with my cheif the entire wayout there and he got me an early ship date. I ship out to boot camp MONDAY! I am spending only 5 days in DEP. Everyone else that signed their contracts that day got ship dates for July 2010, so I feel really lucky and grateful that I got a ship date so early. I am completely unprepared psychically, but thats okay. I'll just give it all I've got when I get there. I'm so excited to be leaving so soon, but I have so much to do around the house. My mom and I went shopping to get everything I need for boot. I had to get white full booty panties, white bras and sports bras, etc. I won't be blogging for a while, but my mom and everyone else is going to save my letters, that way I can type them and post them when I get back. It's really perfect timing, because i'll be in boot camp August and September. Then I go to "A" school in Meridian, Mississippi for 8 weeks (October and November). Then I get leave and can be home for Christmas and my birthday. I am so excited. By the end of September, I will be a true American sailor! Wish me luck!!

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